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January 3, 2024
2023 Looking Back from Patchwork Sampler Blog

The last quarter of 2023 got away from me. After our trip to Ireland in late September, things just snowballed and my productivity fell. I was still working and quilting but never really got back into the groove.

I am terrible at recordkeeping (trying to do better), but I probably finished 30-35 quilts in 2023. I’m okay with that. I did not make a dent in either my stash or huge pile of UFOs. I would like to do better there, but I simply have no interest in finishing many of the UFOs so am figuring out ways to ...

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August 12, 2020
Saturday Sampler progress from My Sewing Room

Saturday Sampler is one of my favorite activities at The Pin Cushion - partially because we make just a block or two at a time and often learn new techniques, and partially because we get to enjoy the social aspects.  We meet the second Saturday morning each month, but of course that all ended in March.  Now we just pick up our block patterns and basic fabrics each month, without getting to enjoy Show n Tell or chat with the other gals in the group.  I really miss that part.  

This Saturday Sampler included a mix of 12" blocks and 24 ...

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January 15, 2020
Saturday Sampler block #7 from My Sewing Room

Block 7 has been completed, but not without some issues.  The center of this burgundy/gold block was actually a lighter tan batik with kind of an open pattern swirling through it.  But I had started this block with this particular background, and that center just faded away.  So I replace the center with this gold.  And I like the result plus it was less work than replacing all the background pieces. 

The blue version is my favorite however. I just love these colors.  

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  • saturday sampler
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